Keltakallio road and stormwater projects on track

28.2.2025 | The construction of the infrastructure for the Keltakallio industrial estate is on schedule.
The Keltakallion road will be built in the area covered by the Keltakallio 1 zoning plan and will carry traffic to the new industrial estate. In addition, Santavekselintie will branch off from Keltakalliontie.

The new roads to be built are a precondition for the release of plots in the area. In addition to the construction of the Keltakallion Road and Santavekselintie, the project will include the management of stormwater outside the plots in the area. The purpose of the stormwater equalisation basins is to collect and release stormwater in a controlled manner. Stormwater treatment and conveyance arrangements will be designed so as not to impose additional burdens on the drainage channels or the surrounding natural environment.

The project is on schedule. Construction of the Keltakalliontie stormwater basin will start in February and the Keltakalliontie will be completed in the autumn. Construction of the stormwater equalisation basin on the eastern side of the industrial estate will start in the spring. Construction of the upstream end of the Santavekselintie is underway in conjunction with the construction of the Keltakallion Road, and the downstream end will start in 2025.

The construction of the infrastructure for the Keltakallio industrial area, which will enable the battery industry to locate in the area, is financed by the Kymenlaakso Regional Council through AKKE funding.

National Akke funding will be used to implement Kymenlaakso’s regional programme, to support ongoing investments and to boost RDI activities, to increase retention and attractiveness, and to anticipate and prepare for changes in the operating environment.